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There are 3 mechanisms of pain: nociceptive, neuropathic and nociplastic.
Save your time learning from the expert doctor Andrea Furlan MD PhD

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain the mechanisms of nociplastic pain

  • Get an approach to differentiate nociceptive, neuropathic and nociplastic chronic pain

  • Make a proper diagnosis of pain using validated questionnaires and physical exam

  • Remember many options for treatment of nociplastic pain

  • Explain nociplastic pain to your patients and students

Course curriculum

Includes cases, quizzes, reflective questions, reading materials and videos.

    1. Welcome message from Andrea

    2. Instructions to this platform

    3. Before we begin...please answer these questions

    1. Chapter 1 - Pain Definitions

    2. Chapter 1 Pre-Test

    3. What is Pain?

    4. Mechanisms of Pain

    5. Nociplastic Pain

    6. What is Chronic Pain?

    7. How to explain the 3 types of pains to your patients

    1. Chapter 2 - Pathophysiology of Nociplastic Pain

    2. Chapter 2 Pre- Test

    3. What is Neuroplasticity?

    4. Sensitization of Peripheric Pain System

    5. Dorsal Horn

    6. How to explain central sensitization to your patients

    7. Brain Stem

    8. How to explain the Brain Inner's Pharmacy to your Patients

    9. Brain Plasticity in response to pain

    10. Neuroendocrine plasticity in response to pain

    1. Chapter 3 - Diagnosis of Nociplastic Pain

    2. Chapter 3 Pre-Test

    3. Let's meet Paula

    4. Let's meet Liu

    5. Let's meet Sheilah

    6. Let's meet Carmen

    7. Taking a Pain History

    8. Questionnaires

    9. Physical Exam

    10. Making the diagnoses

    11. Let's make the diagnoses for our 4 patients

    12. Teach your patients to explain their pain

    1. Chapter 4 - Treatment of Nociplastic Pain

    2. Chapter 4 Pre-Test

    3. Principles of Treatment of Nociplastic Pain

    4. Step 1 Neuroplasticity

    5. Step 2 Mental Health

    6. Step 3 Sleep

    7. Step 4 Nutrition

    8. Step 5 Social Prescribing

    9. Step 6 Medications

    10. Step 7 Movement, Modalities, and Interventions

    11. Step 8 Self-Management

    12. What happened to our four patients?

    13. How to explain nociplastic pain to your patients (download slides)

    14. How to explain nociplastic pain to your patient (Webinar recording)

    1. Congrats!

    2. Become an affiliate and refer a colleague

    3. Before you go, please answer these final questions

About this course:

  • $499.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content
  • Desktop or Mobile
  • Downloadable worksheets
  • 100% Refundable in 30 days

Enroll Now!

It is time to gain confidence, competence and skills to help your patients with chronic pain. You don't need to keep learning by trials and mistakes.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Is this course a good fit for me?

    This course is for you if you agree with any of these questions:
    ✔ I see people with chronic pain with symptoms that don't make sense to me
    ✔ I have some patients with chronic pain who tried everything, they get better for a short period, but the pain always returns, in the same place or a different place
    ✔ I am tired of ordering many diagnostic tests and can't find what is wrong with my patient
    ✔ I don't understand the scientific literature about pain receptor, neurotransmitters, and functional MRIs. I feel that I am getting behind with the literature
    ✔ When I attend a conference or webinar about chronic pain, I usually get more confused and discouraged. The whole thing is just too overwhelming

  • Who is not a good fit for this course?

    ✔ If you are not a healthcare professional
    ✔ If you are a person with chronic pain and you are looking to diagnose and treat yourself. Please, offer to buy your doctor a seat in this course.

  • What if I don't have the time to finish this course?

    You will have 365 days to finish this course. If you take 2 hours per week, you will be done in about 4 weeks.
    If you change your mind, you have 30 days to ask for a refund.

  • Can you give a discount? The price is too high for me.

    ✔ The price of this course is calculated based on the amount of time that this knowledge will save you.
    If you are able to see one or two new patients with chronic pain, you will be able to pay for the registration.
    ✔ Instead of taking this course, what is your other alternative? going to a pain conference, buying books, take a University course? How much will that cost you?
    ✔ If you don't want to pay for this course, you may download all the papers that I read and start reading them today. I can promise you that taking my course is the shortcut that you need.
    ✔ If you recommend this course to some colleagues you get a commission. This way, you can get your course paid for.

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Bonus material

In addition to learning about nociplastic pain and becoming a competent and confident professional, there are great bonuses with this course:

  • Customizable forms


    Download the forms, add your logo and start using them with your patients tomorrow!

  • Your time!

    $ Invaluable

    You don't need to read more than 200 papers which would amount to more than 2,000 pages. You don't need to go to a conference or sign up to a semester at the University or College course.
    In this course you will get the bibliography of all papers that Dr. Furlan had to read to prepare for this course.

  • Earn a commission by referring students

    $ Unlimited

    Refer your colleagues to this course using the affiliate partner link. If they register to this course and do not ask for a refund, you will be earning a proportion of what they paid.